Erin Noble grew up in the Eugene, Oregon area. He started Montessori school at age two, entered the French Immersion program in first grade, and graduated from International High School in 2003.

Though an excellent student, Erin’s first joy in life was ‘hanging out’ with friends and family. He played soccer through grade school, indulged in video games with his buddies, became an excellent tennis player, and travelled often with his parents. At a young age, Erin developed interests in the natural world and in reading. Pomona College was a perfect fit for Erin. He thrived in the community atmosphere, appreciated a top notch education, and reveled in his independence to explore a myriad interests. Erin graduated magna cum laude with a double degree in molecular biology and economics.

After college, Erin fulfilled a dream of hiking the Pacific Crest Trail for 1000 miles. That same year he traveled to China to study and teach English. His passion for languages led to a stint in Peru and Ecuador, where he learned Spanish and hiked with friends in the famous Machu Picchu / Cusco region.

Returning home to the United States, Erin chose to enter the family wood products business for two years. He attained proficiency in many aspects of that business before going on to study the basics of putting together an internet start up company. In the fall of 2011, Erin entered the University of Oregon MBA program for one term. At the time of his passing, Erin was delving into the study of nutrition, having taken classes and assisted in an ethnobotany class at Lane Community College during the spring 2012 term.

In the last years of his life, Erin frequently hiked along the Oregon coast, in the Cascade Range and on the trails in and around Eugene. His favorite local hike was summiting Spencer Butte. Starting from his home in South Eugene, he trekked up the Martin Street Connector Trail to the Ridgeline Park Trail System, passing along the threatened Amazon Creek Headwaters property. In June of 2012 he committed to the ongoing effort to raise money for purchase of that property.

In Memory of Erin Noble

Peter and Deborah lost their only child Erin in a tragic small plane crash on June 23, 2012. Peter and Deborah are kind, caring and generous people. I am sure anyone who knows them would agree. The following are some of the many photos and notes from family and friends:

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Remembering Erin

Everyone who had ever met Erin remembers and loves him. Words really cannot express what a special person Erin was. A bright light, smiling, happy and enjoying life to the fullest, Erin loved hiking the Amazon Trail a peaceful sanctuary so close to home. Our hearts break over losing him so our commitment to protecting one of his most cherished places the Amazon Creek Headwaters is unyielding. Securing this property from development for public enjoyment and future generations in Erin’s memory is the reason this foundation exists. It’s only the beginning”

  • Somehow, when remembering Erin I can only smile and smile and smile. Although not extremely close, what an exceptional and happy human he was. Every interaction was a joy. Thanks for making me smile buddy. Now and always... - Kyle Ridgeway

  • I have really struggled over the past week trying to come up with the right words to share about my close friend Erin. Nothing seemed quite right... and then I overheard my 12 year old daughter telling a friend the other day about her "cousin" Erin, I corrected her by saying he was just "our friend". To that she said "No mom, Erin was more than just a friend, he was like family". And she was right, Erin had a way of making everyone he met or knew feel like they were a part of something bigger, a part of his family. He truly lived the Golden Rule. Treat others as you would have them treat you. What an amazing gift! -

  • Thank you for such a fun summer after my senior year and your junior year of high school. I remember laughing with you A LOT, hiking Spencer’s Butte and making sushi at your parent’s house. I remember your big infectious smile and how you taught me how to enjoy life in the present moment. You were really good at that. -

  • You will be remembered as a bright light that lit up the room and had a positive impact on everyone who was blessed to know you - Jessie May

  • Saturday morning yoga at the DAC was only complete when Erin and Peter would come in, set up in the back, and go to the challenges of the class. From downward dog I could see Erin cheering on his dad, smiling, laughing at all we were doing. Afterward, he would always have questions about what kind of mat I and other students used, what we got from the practice~ always kind, curious, and considerate. Always smiling. He has taken his practice off the mat but will be with us always - Debra Merskin

  • Deborah and Pete, I first met you both at the Pomona College graduation, and again when I stayed with you in Eugene while on a road trip from Seattle to San Francisco. I was struck by the palpable love and respect present in your family and it felt good to be touched by your warmth. Thank you for sharing your son with the world for 27 years. I am deeply sorry for the loss of Erin and will carry his memory with me for the rest of my life - Femke Oldham

  • The first time I met Erin, he was wearing a toga. It was one of the first of many parties in Lyon, our freshman-year dorm at Pomona. Erin struck me as a smiley, fun-loving and handsome guy. As I got to know Erin better throughout our college years, I discovered that he was also highly intelligent, thoughtful, athletic, and a strong leader. Erin had great depth of character and was just plain excited about life. -

  • I learned about your death, about a month late, through the grapevine on Facebook. I am so shocked and saddened. Over the years, I’ve thought of you and wondered how your life is going, and I’m so glad to hear from others that you led such a kick ass life in the years after high school – I had no doubt that you would. -

  • Words will never do Erin Noble's life justice; only actions. He was the most inspirational friend/teammate/human any of us knew, and he will be a guiding light for all of us going forward. His levels of humility, kindness and dedication to his friends - who include every living creature on this earth - we can never match, but should always strive for. Erin, your presence will be missed, but I promise your spirit will remain in our lives. I miss you, brother. - John R. Hall

  • I'm very saddened to hear about this news of Erin. I wanted to extend my sincerest condolences, love, and support to the Noble family. I couldn't believe the news. It's been 10 years since High School and yet I clearly remember Erin's great energy. What I remember of Erin is that he always had a smile on his face, was always so positive, easy-going, care-free, good sense of humour. In reading all the comments of how Erin touched everyone's life, it's truly an indication of what an amazing individual he is! Erin, you will truly be missed! - Njeri Njoora

  • I had the pleasure and the honor to be Erin's yoga teacher for a short time at the DAC. Erin always set up his mat right in front of me, so he wouldn't miss a thing! He was deeply curious, playful, intensely focused, and physically so in his body. When Erin was in class, the whole room lit up. He had a light in his eyes that revealed the beauty of his spirit, and he shared it with all of us. He introduced yoga to his father Peter, and what a joy it was to watch them practice side-by-side, sweating and grunting and trying to outdo each other! Erin lived each day with absolute enthusiasm, and in this way, he was my teacher. Thank you, Erin. You will be missed. - Jean Nelson

  • Erin, you made a ridiculous adventure out of everything! Just reflecting on your lifetime, I feel so inspired to try and pack it in even more. The picture included with this letter is of the wonderful time that you cuddled up with me and read me children's stories while I was recuperating from chemotherapy when we were both 20. I feel like ever since I had cancer I have lived with this urgency to do absolutely everything wonderful that life has to offer, RIGHT NOW, because you just never know when you might not get to live anymore. But you knew that inherently. You lived that. You were that, and your memory will always be that for everyone who loves you. - Mieka Hopps

  • Erin was a force of nature. He was such a joyful, inquisitive, genuine, and and all around excited-about-life person. It is hard to believe that somebody so full of life and love can all of a sudden be gone from this world. Words are hard to find, but my thoughts and love are with his friends and family. - Katie Beaton

  • You rolled the genetic dice and made your point. Erin was beautiful, intelligent and healthy. Your love and guidance and wisdom offered Erin a path in life. We thank you for giving Erin the confidence and support for the paths Erin chose. When we say how much we miss Erin we know you miss him so much more. When we proclaim his wisdom, grace, joyful spirit, humor, courage, beauty, compassion, depth, loyalty and pushing the boundaries, we know that you knew it all before we did. My wife and I met Erin at Pomona. Erin was buddies with our son Hal Wershow. Every time we were with Erin, our joy in his presence increased. We followed Erin’s life through Hal and whenever Erin visited us in Seattle. - Daniel Wershow

  • I just wanted to say I will miss the conversations that we didn't get a chance to have. - Rithy Khut

  • Erin ~ the touch of your love is a gift I will never forget. - Lisa Kay Heitstuman

  • I long admired Erin for his incredible intelligence, charisma, humor, and passion. He truly was one of a kind.I wish that I could attend in person; I'll be thinking of Erin and all of you this weekend - Zack Brewer